Quick Papri Chaat

Lots of conventional recipes for this tasty side dish require spices I've never heard of, and require other ingredients that I don't know how to make or obtain. So I decided to invent a recipe that suited my laziness. It's not usually as hot as the genuine article, but it's certainly easier to make. And I think it's tasty, so there.


Cut the potato into five or six chunks and boil it. While it's boiling, mix the sauce ingredients together. When the potato is soft, cut it into little cubes (1/4" - 1/2" on a side).

Get out a shallow bowl and put the crackers in the bottom. Pour some of the sauce over it. Pour the potato cubes over it. Then pour the rest of the sauce over that.

I think this makes two servings, but that's because we had a lot of potato.

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Brian R. Gaeke