Minced Vegetable Pasta Sauce

Chop very finely:
Mince, or press with garlic press:
Mince, and then mash into paste with fork:
Heat a generous quantity of
in a large skillet until just starting to smoke. Add the onions and garlic. Season them with
to your liking, and cook them in oil over medium-high heat until the onions start to look shiny and transparent. Then you want to add all of the other chopped and minced and mashed stuff listed above.

Make sure to mix everything together well, especially the anchovies and the garlic, which tend to stick together. Turn up the heat to high and cook all of this together, stirring frequently, until the carrots are tender. The mushrooms and vegetables will give off some liquid; in response, you should add a little more oil.

Now once the carrots are tender, mix in:
Mix these in well with the other stuff and cook until the sauce thickens to a consistency you are happy with. Now, although you may only have been peripherally aware of it, while you have been working on this sauce, your trusty sous-chef has been boiling water and cooking pasta in it, which is just about ready to eat (don't you love how they do that on cooking shows?); this means that it is time to stir into the sauce
and cook them just until they wilt. Then, immediately take the sauce off the heat, toss it with the pasta, and serve, preferably with garlic bread.

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Here, inside the extra oven, we have the finished version...

Brian R. Gaeke